
UI Font Inter

The typeface used for the UI of George is Inter.

You can download the font Inter here.

What’s special about iOS?

As Inter and Apples proprietary system font “San Francisco” are visually nearly identical, we decided to allow iOS applications to use the system font if they apply the defined Design System rules. The benefit of using the system font is the easier implementation of accessibility features like Dynamic Type etc.

How to use it?

Isn’t this super complicated for designers? Yes, that’s why we agreed on the following.

To reduce complexity, designers should create all design files with only one typeface and that is Inter. If your project is also built for iOS, and you create specs for your engineers, notify them that the Inter Font is to be substituted with San Francisco.

Font weights

If you are working on a project/feature that is part of George on web or mobile, or tightly integrated in George (e.g. a plugin, an embedded web view) adhere to the font styles provided in the Figma libraries and the documentation in the typography section.

Projects and applications connected to the George platform which are not integrated into the core product (e.g. signing apps, country-specific offers…) should reuse the stylings defined in the Typography section.

If there is a need to create a new styling, keep in mind that we do not use the full range of available weights.

  • Inter Regular 400
  • Inter Medium 500
  • Inter Semibold 600
  • Inter Bold 700

Advanced stuff

We currently use the unhinted version of Inter, which gives us smaller file sizes, but we keep exploring if using the hinted version would be beneficial.

In all modern web browsers, the variable font is used instead of the individual fixed font files. However, all weights are referenced, as even older web browser only download the files that are needed.