
Component Types React-only

All components (and containers) you find in Storybook can be in one of 3 stages:

  • Production components
  • Beta components – with a BETA sticker in their preview
  • Dev components – with (DEV) in their title and a DEV sticker in their preview


Our current set of fully developed components, ready to use and strictly following semantic versioning. API changes will be deprecated (DEPRECATED) first, in favor of the change, and removed with the next major release. The same is true for breaking changes (BREAKING) of any kind.


BETA Beta components are released to be tested in the real world. You can import the beta components from GDS into your project and give them a go. However, we won’t go the usual way of deprecating and issuing a breaking change with the next big release here. Changes in the API, structure, behaviour, or styling of the component can happen with any minor release and will be marked accordingly in the changelog.

If you are using a beta component, please share your feedback in our Slack channel #design-system-web. When enough positive feedback is gathered, the component will be moved to production components.


DEV Dev components are only shown as a preview to gather early feedback. Dev components are not importable from GDS and can only be previewed in Storybook/Playroom.

At the same time, your feedback in our Slack channel #design-system-web is still very welcome!