
Multiline Promotion

The multiline promotion has a fixed position and will be inserted after the second banking product of a user, meaning the promotion card will be displayed in position 3. As with other promotion cards the whole card acts as an action area, with the exception of the close X. Multiline promotions always have to be closeable. The overview card of the multiline promotion will only show the one balance the user is able to get pre-approved. This is the largest amount from the items listed in the detail page.

  1. Main Promo Card Action
  2. Close Action


The overview card for the multiline promotion should include the largest amount of the multiple credit option (not the sum of all). Consider that because of dynamic loading of the amounts, the text should be kept very short. We recommend not more than 20 characters (excluding the amount) for the title and 40 characters for the tagline.


The multiline promotion appearance cannot be changed. It will always appear as a white card in light mode and a dark grey card in dark mode.

Detail Page

On the detail page the individual items of pre-approved sums are listed. The multiline card on the overview will always link here.