
Carousel React-only

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Carousel optimizes screen space by displaying only a subset from a collection of items in a scrolling view. The navigational controls on a carousel suggest additional content that is not currently visible.

HINT A carousel brings with it some inherent UX drawbacks – keep in mind that users generally don’t interact with items that start off-screen in a carousel.

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Rules For Developers
  • Each child of the Carousel component is turned into an item in the layout
  • To set the number of items that are visible together use the visibleItems prop. This affects only MD+


On XS and SM tiers, the items are rendered next to each other and overflow out of the screen. The users can drag them. In MD+ only a few items are visible and previous/next buttons are displayed. Users can click on these to rotate the Carousel.

Rules For Developers
  • You can alter the controls with buttonsColor, buttonsPreviousProps and buttonsNextProps props


The stepper is a non-interactive progress indicator highlighting the current step. It should be used only on MD+ as smaller tiers don’t distinguish a current step.

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