
Release highlights November

Konstantin Demblin, Design System Lead

This blog post covers some highlights from the latest releases of GDS.

Button-Danger updates

We added two more variants to the Figma library

  • Label + Icon
  • Icon

New variants of the Button-danger component

Learn more about this component and its use cases here.

ToggleBadge updates

ToggleBadge can be used as check boxes and radio buttons now.

A form field with badges underneath the input field

Learn more about this component and its use cases here.

Dark mode update to blue-bright

The colour $color-blue-bright (#2870ed) which is e.g. used in the PrimaryNavigation in George Retail or in the StripeHeader, has now a new hex value in dark mode.

George primary navigation with StripeHeader in light mode and dark mode


Separator got a protrude property which enables Separator in ModalBody to extend edge to edge.

A ModalDrawer with multiple separators extending edge to edge within ModalBody

Take a look at this component in Playroom.

ModalDrawer depth

ModalDrawer got a depth property to distinguish layered DrawerModals.

Animation of appearing and disappearing layers of four modal windows

Learn more about this component and experiment with it in Playroom.

Thank you to everyone involved for their outstanding work on the latest design system releases!