
UI Colours Tokens

HINT The latest version of the list below can be found here.

CodeLight modeDark modeComment
surface.backgroundgray-100gray-dark-400base background color
surface.primaryneutral-100gray-dark-300base color for primary container elements like cells, cards
surface.secondarygray-200gray-dark-200for additional container elements like split-screen layouts
surface.brandblue-300gray-dark-400for core headers, full-screen messages. This token is manually overridden for Pro mode
fill.primaryblue-400neutral-dark-100for e.g. icons on overview card avatar
fill.secondarygray-400gray-dark-100no usage example yet
fill.tertiarygray-300gray-dark-100for e.g. leading icons in cells
fill.quaternarygray-200gray-dark-200for e.g. dividers or separators
fill.mononeutral-100neutral-dark-100for elements on color which stay the same in light and dark mode
fill.disabledneutral-200neutral-dark-200for disabled non-text elements
text.primaryblue-400neutral-dark-100for primary text
text.secondarygray-400gray-dark-100for secondary text
text.mononeutral-100neutral-dark-100for text on color which stays the same in light and dark mode
text.disabledneutral-300neutral-dark-300for disabled text elements
text.placeholdergray-300gray-dark-100for placeholder text
state.positiveui-greenui-green-darkfor elements (both text and others) that are semantically positive like positive balance, success icon etc.
state.negativeui-redui-red-darkfor elements (both text and others) that are semantically negative like negative balance, error icon etc.
state.warningui-yellow-900ui-yellow-darkfor elements (both text and others) that are meant to be a warning like alert type warning
state.infoui-blueblue-dark-100for elements (both text and others) used to render informational content that is read-only and not interactive
state.defaultui-graygray-dark-100for elements (both text and others) used to render neutral content like state badges or PFM category badges
state.activeblue-300blue-dark-100for elements (both text and others) that are interactive and represent an action like a button or clickable icon
state.positive.weakui-green-100ui-green-dark-100for background fill of success badges & alerts
state.negative.weakui-red-100ui-red-dark-100for background fill of error badges & alerts
state.warning.weakui-yellow-100ui-yellow-dark-100for background fill of warning badges & alerts
state.info.weakui-blue-100ui-blue-dark-100for background fill of info badges & alerts
state.default.weakui-gray-100ui-gray-dark-100for background fill of state badges & alerts